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Keep an eye here for more articles to come. Till then here here is a list of articles from Pat's column on that are still relevant and thought you would enjoy reading.

How to tell if your house is haunted and what to do about it?

Haunted Winchester Mystery House continues to lure visitors to San Jose

Demonologist Jerry Williams issues warning for paranormal investigators

Banshees said to warn of impending doom

Haunted Stull Cemetery continues to fascinate paranormal researchers

Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans embraces its history and hauntings

Visitors continue to report sightings of legendary Diana of the Dunes

Plan a stay at one of Washington's haunted hotels

API experiences frightening encounter with The Creeper at Waverly Hills

Paranormal activity abounds at the Museum of Indian Culture

Alexandria Paranormal Investigations on history and hauntings at Oaklands

More history and hauntings at Oaklands Mansion

Odd anomaly photo taken in Chicago's notorious Bachelor's Grove cemetery

UPP Investigator Captures Shadow Person at House of Wills

DEPS captures shadow figure during Bissman Building investigation

Greater Maryland Paranormal Society captures photo evidence at Snow Hill

Meet the deputies of the Delta Elite Paranormal Services team

Spirit Watch Paranormal captures shadow person at Cashtown Inn

United Paranormal Project investigation shows anomalies at Waverly Hills

John of God continues to treat patients from around the globe

Vegors Cemetery in Iowa said to be haunted by Native American spirits

Mysterious legends of Old House Woods persist through the years


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